Policy Statement:

At West Hampstead we believe that through the study of Science, children develop a sense of the world and how it works. We aim to foster a healthy curiosity about the universe, and encourage our pupils to ask challenging questions about how and why things happen. Our Science policy follows a whole-school approach.

At West Hampstead Primary School, we follow a connected curriculum where learning of Science is purposeful and motivational.

Our Intent:

Our intent is that children are taught key knowledge and scientific skills. Skills that foster curiosity about our universe, promoting respect for both the living and non-living. We believe Science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. This in turn with the cultural capital will improve their life skills. In order to deliver this intent, we follow the aims and objectives below.

There is more to the teaching of Science than enabling the pupils to acquire knowledge. It is also important to teach pupils the skills necessary to question, predict, investigate and record what they are learning.

At WHPS, we have a clear framework within which we work in order to promote the kind of learning in science which is in keeping with our values. These long-term aims represent the foundation stones upon which the science policy is built.

Our Aims and Objectives

Our aims and objectives are to:

  • develop a positive attitude towards science, ensuring that all pupils participate fully, really enjoy their learning and to achieve highly in it.
  • encourage pupils to contribute positively in lessons.
  • help pupils to find out more about themselves and their environment through active exploration and investigation.
  • provide experiences which will progressively develop their scientific knowledge.
  • develop the scientific skills necessary for investigation and experimentation.
  • help pupils understand how developing scientific skills will enhance their life opportunities when they grow up.
  • develop the concept of the “fair test” in order to make the pupils’ investigations more meaningful and accurate.
  • make sure that we are assessing our pupils regularly in order to measure progress.
  • provide a global perspective of science, in keeping with the equal opportunities' policy at West Hampstead.
  • ensure pupils understand the need to be safe at all times, and gain knowledge and understanding about how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • forge links with other educational, cultural or business establishments which will benefit both pupils and staff development in science.
  • ensure that all children have equal access to the science curriculum.

Legislation and Guidance

This policy reflects the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study, which all maintained schools in England must teach.