West Hampstead Primary School (WHPS) wants to ensure that all pupils receive a full-time education to maximise opportunities, attainment, well-being, and wider life chances for everybody to realise their potential. We aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the school community to strive for excellence and enjoyment in education. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and punctually.

At WHPS, our objectives are to develop an ethos which demonstrates to children, parents/carers, and the wider community the importance of good attendance and punctuality.

Regular and punctual attendance is essential for effective learning and children should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. This is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and their wider development.  There is a renewed national focus on maximising pupils’ time in the classroom, as evidence shows that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results.

Some pupils find it harder than others to attend school. The school and partners will work with pupils and parents to remove any barriers to attendance by building strong and trusting relationships and working together to put the right support in place. If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance, please speak to us.  The key contacts are at the top of this document and on our school website.

Attendance target

WHPS intends to maintain its high levels of attendance each year. Our current target for 2024-25 is 96%.