Together We Achieve

  • Parent Tours

    Book now: West Hampstead Primary School Parent Tours Meet the Families, and Parent Tour. An opportunity to meet and speak to parents and their children who attend the school, followed by the head teacher's tour of the school.

Welcome to

West Hampstead
Primary School

At West Hampstead our motto is "Together, We Achieve".  Our children exemplify our school motto; walk around our school at any time and you will see children and adults actively engaged in learning. We are very proud of our school and we hope that our website gives you a flavour of what makes us so special.

What makes us different

  • Our Curriculum

    'Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils.' OFSTED 2022 The West Hampstead Curriculum is designed to: 1. Teach our pupils to learn well 2. Teach our pupils how to lead happy, healthy, constructive lives, in which they can aspire and experience success 3. Ensure the children develop and remember a secure knowledge and understanding of the world 4. Ensure high levels of competence in the core subjects of English and maths 5. Teach our pupils to live well in a diverse world, as confident, responsible citizens.

  • Our Maths

    At West Hampstead Primary School we are very proud of our teaching and learning in Mathematics. We work very closely with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). Our Maths Lead, Miss Kwa, is the primary lead of the London Central and North West Maths Hub. This means that our teachers get the most up-to-date training and our children get the most innovative teaching. As a result, attainment and progress in Maths at West Hampstead has been getting better and better each year.

  • Our History

    West Hampstead Primary School (WHPS), is housed in a beautiful Victorian three-storey (listed) building. Formerly called Beckford Primary School, it changed its name in September 2021. Following a vote involving staff and the school community. The school recently unveiled a mural commemorating the life of Dr Beryl Gilroy. Dr Gilroy was the first Black woman to serve as a headteacher in Camden at, where she paved the way for people of colour in education.

  • Our Environment

    At West Hampstead Primary School we are always looking at different ways of making sure that our school environment is a place where all children can flourish. Every year we have a different project that we work on. This year we have designed and constructed a new Early-Years playground for the children to enjoy. Next year we are working on our new Science Garden, so that all of our children can have opportunities to grow food and learn about sustainability.

  • Our Creativity

    At West Hampstead Primary School (WHPS), we believe that all children should have access to high quality creative and artistic experiences. We value the partnerships we have developed within the arts community. We make sure the children are frequently exposed to high quality musical performances and have opportunities to work with visiting artists, poets, dancers and storytellers.

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Our Values

  • Aspiration

    We aim high! Our intention is for everyone at WHPS to be a creative, curious learner who can communicate well and achieves their goals.

  • Community

    We work together in partnerships: within the classroom, between home and school and with other organisations. Everyone at West Hampstead Primary School should feel a sense of belonging and develop strong and positive relationships with others.

  • Consideration

    Kindness, empathy and respect are prized highly here at school. We do our best to get to know and understand others, and treat them with compassion and fairness.

  • Resilience

    Life always presents challenges; at West Hampstead Primary School we are adaptable, aiming to meet our challenges with a positive mindset and developing confidence and independence.

  • Responsibility

    We value being good citizens, and doing our best to look after ourselves, each other and the environment. We aspire to always be organised and proactive.

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